It is amazing what a few people sitting around their kitchen table can achieve.
—Dorothy Stowe, Greenpeace founding member


Let Our Children Breathe Freely

Writing is a medium of communication that represents language through the inscription of signs and symbols.

Let Our Ocean Be Free

Writing is a medium of communication that represents language through the inscription of signs and symbols.

End Single-Use Plastic Pollution

Writing is a medium of communication that represents language through the inscription of signs and symbols.

Sign and Share

Clean air for all

We are trying to reach 15,000 signatures to support our call for a domestic Transboundary Haze Pollution Act in Malaysia!

End the age of plastic

We have a once-in-a-generation chance to end the age of plastic! The Global Plastics Treaty aims to reduce plastic production to 75% and we need your voice!

Make a birthday pledge

Change the world on your special day by committing a donation pledge and sharing it with your family and friends.

Play and Learn

What's your environmental persona?

Your decisions in this online quiz reflect your impact–both in the game and in the fight for our basic rights to clean, haze-free air and a healthier environment.

Spotting green!

Have you seen one of our booths irl? Our fundraisers on the field help us raise the money to enable us to take independent, bold actions for the planet. Take a selfie with one of our fundraisers and tag us on social media for a feature!


What steps at home can you do for a more sustainable life? Here are some cheap and easy-to-do tips!

Share your story

We aren’t the only tellers of this story. We’re sure you have so much to tell. Let us know what made you start supporting Greenpeace and the work that we do.

Get a green bingo!

Join our online bingo game! Download the template and share it on your Instagram story!

Follow our social media!

Be on top of the latest news on Greenpeace campaigns! Follow us on our social media pages.

Meet our allies

There is power in numbers and we're not changing the world alone. Meet the groups and organisations we're working with!

Volunteer with Greenpeace

All hands on deck! Greenpeace Malaysia conducts face-to-face activities in need of people power. Join us today!


Greenpeace Malaysia combats haze by advocating for sustainable practices, holding polluters accountable, and promoting forest protection, ensuring a healthier environment.

Greenpeace Malaysia actively raises haze awareness through innovative initiatives like Haze-zilla short film, and educational campaign engaging communities. We also organize art exhibitions to highlight the environmental impact, fostering understanding and inspiring collective action against the haze crisis.


Greenpeace Malaysia combats plastic pollution through campaigns, advocacy, and community engagement, striving for a plastic-free future and environmental sustainability.

  • Greenpeace Malaysia conducts extensive research and investigations on plastics, unveiling the environmental impact of plastic production and pollution. Through data-driven analysis, they expose corporate responsibility and advocate for systemic change to address the plastic crisis, aiming for a healthier planet.
  • Greenpeace Malaysia champions corporate accountability in combating plastic pollution, scrutinizing the practices of major companies, especially in the realm of online shopping. Through strategic advocacy, we push for responsible business practices and a reduction in single-use plastics, ensuring companies prioritize the planet over profit.

Download our annual report

Greenpeace Malaysia is part of the Greenpeace Southeast Asia office.

We are proud to report back to our supporters on the impacts of your contributions.

Donate to Greenpeace

Power the work we’re doing in Malaysia and be part of the fight for a better planet.